Charge your hearing aids like your smartphone for added convenience and ease-of-use
View the latest hearing aids with greater accessibility that are paving the way for future models
Enjoy a more enhanced sound for a better quality of everyday life
Download the hearScreen USA app for free to test for hearing loss. There is also a free online quiz available through Starkey.
Let us help you by programming your hearing aids to meet your hearing needs.
Noise-induced hearing loss can be prevented with regular testing.
If a custom ear mold is needed, we can take an impression of the ear.
There are several different styles of hearing aids to accommodate each person’s needs.
View all ProductsHearing loss can increase the risk of social isolation, stress, anxiety, depression and even dementia.
Increased high blood pressure, muscle tension, and headaches are all possible health consequences of those with hearing loss.
If you have hearing loss, going to a restaurant with friends and family can feel like a struggle and the work environment can also be overwhelming.
Understand what a friend or family member with hearing loss might be experiencing.
See how to live a healthy hearing life.
From learning how to change the batteries on various hearing aids to cleaning techniques, we walk you through the process step-by-step.
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